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6 Options to Combat Housing Shortage in Any Area

Housing is an important requirement for human settlements. It provides for residence purposes so that human can go about their ways. However, it faces a lot of problems owing to a lot of reasons. One such problem is housing shortage which is caused by various reasons. (like one Texas is facing currently). The article will discuss options to combat it (discussing these is another topic for another article).

What Is Housing Shortage?

Any area is housed or accommodated by a certain number of people who live as per their family relationships and bonds. As per their living orientations, they need housing. Whenever the available housing is not enough for their need this condition is called housing shortage.

In other words, if a residence facility in any area is insufficient for the residing population, this condition is a housing shortage. Such a condition can lead to various law & order, social, and economic problems (this too is another topic for discussion). However, this can be solved and mitigated through numerous options.

Options to Combat Housing Shortage

Humans need a comfortable place to reside comfortably. This is where housing facilities become a necessity and its shortage means a lot of problems. Nonetheless, it can be combated through mitigations and other approaches. This can be achieved through various options. These options include:

New construction

The easiest solution to understand & solve housing problems is constructing new residential projects. However, this option is rather costly, particularly for those who cannot afford other options. Its cost can be estimated to avoid unnecessary expenses with services such as construction estimating services Texas. But, it also provides freedom for those who can afford to put together the most suitable new housing facility.

This requires some land, legal permissions, the right materials, tools & machinery, a labor force, and a lot of care. Once all of this is combined, the required new housing project is achieved.


A much cheaper option to solve the housing shortage is renting. Housing projects can be rented totally and partially. Chiefly, renting partially is a more effective solution to multiple housing facilities. This multiplies the capacity of housing projects and reduces shortage problems. Moreover, it makes housing much cheaper for residents.

This mainly requires that a housing unit or floor be sufficient for basic necessities. This can vary to a large extent depending on the style of the project.


This option is even more subjective than others where even a single residential unit might be shared by different family units. As a result, this divides the overall expense and makes housing easily affordable. This practice is mainly found in hostels and dormitories. Moreover, it is found in various other types of residential projects.

This is often done through mutual understanding and even without taking legal requirements into account. 


A simple alternative to new construction is remodeling the existing projects. This is much cheaper and can solve housing storage to a great extent. Still, this has its limitations mainly to the available space. Remodeling can even improve the existing designs to create new residential units within the project. This increases the capacity of the project to the next level.

This option comes with the limitation of space and demands some cost of remodeling i.e. materials, labor, tools, and time.


Like remodeling, existing projects can also be improved with modifications to increase housing projects. This mainly includes adding new rooms and units over the existing project. This works similarly to the remodeling option as it also has the limitation of space but in a tighter manner. However, it delivers a fruitful outcome.

With the limitation of space, modifications include some costs of partial construction.

RV or mobile homes

Housing does not necessarily require an actual home grounded to earth. Practically, humans can reside in RVs and mobile homes. These are much cheaper than actual residential projects and can even move to combat other problems. However, these are capably to solve housing problems.

These are mainly vehicles that need to have the right facilitates installed and maintained within them.  


Humans now live in dwellings which are also called residential projects. These provide housing and thus need to be in the right capacity to cater to some population at any area. If that is not the case, it leads to a housing shortage such as the one Texas is facing. This problem can lead to various resultant problems. However, the ones suffering can opt for various options to mitigate and even solve this problem. These can be helpful the housing shortage in Texas and other areas.

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