Having timber or wood flooring holds strong liking and desirability by huge masses. This is due to various reasons related to the material and its effects after installation. A common option in this type of flooring is installing floorboards. (It should be installed in the right capacity. This can be assisted through construction estimating services). This is perhaps the most luxurious option for flooring. While it comes with various benefits, it can also cause hazards for the people concerned.
Floorboard – its nature
Lumber or timber comes from the forest. It is a processed form of trees’ stems like various other composites. The final product of the processing is made into boards, planks, and beams. This is how floorboards are made. These are made at 18mm & 22mm thick along with different widths and lengths. These are then glued or fixed with nails to the floor.
As they come from wood, they have the same qualities. These floors are physically processed through cutting, edging, smoothing, and other processes. This does not affect the properties of the material and lets it function in the same capacity. It is prone to all the same materials and forces as wood. Moreover, it is handled in the same manner as wood.
In addition to its nature, its usage and exposure make it liable to various problems. All these problems can in turn generate various hazards for the people concerned.
Possible hazards of floorboard
Having a floorboard flooring is nothing less than a luxury with numerous benefits. But along with its benefits, it comes with various conditions that cause hazards. These conditions include:
The material can develop cracks that cause problems
When wood is attached to the soil with its roots intact, it has moisture to strengthen it and it can regenerate. This moisture and regeneration keep the wood strong and resistant to damage. But after it is cut, the material loses moisture and there is no regeneration thus the material forms cracks. These cracks lead to problems just something falling in them, losing integrity, sprinters, breaking, and others. These can be highly hazardous for the ones around.
The material fades over time which damages the appearance
Like losing moisture and regeneration can lead to developing cracks in floorboard flooring, it also leads to fading of its color and discoloring. (This can be prevented with polishing and painting. for this painting takeoff services can be availed). This however is not hazardous for any major accident but the damage to the appearance is itself a problem. This can lead to problems related to attracting people. This mainly is a problem for commercial projects.
The material can get uneven over time and thus accidents
Usage, which is basically walking over a surface and having weight over it, leads to its damage. This damage is also due to the fact that the material has lost its moisture and regeneration ability. This makes the material uneven which can lead to various accidents. This makes the material harder to stand on and harder to place things. This finally leads to accidents.
The material can get slippery and lead to falls
Although the materials in floorboard flooring have had a great amount of moisture while it is part of some trees, they cannot hold much after processing. These can result from some leak in the installed plumbing system. (These systems can be installed through plumbing takeoff). As a result, if the material gets water only a very little seeps in, and most of it is standing over it. This is highly hazardous and can lead to problems such as falls which could result in various dangers.
To combine all this, the possible hazards include:
- Breaking of the installed material and thus breaking of the floor
- Difficulty to walk over it and thus the indoor environment is hard to access
- Sprinters that can inject themselves into anyone who comes in contact with them
- Losing of small objects into the cracks of the floor
- The uneven surface is the result of pressure and rubbing which causes standing and placing difficult
- Its appeal disappears over time due to usage and leads to a loss in attraction
These and various other hazards.
Wood flooring or floorboard flooring is a highly demanded type of flooring. In this, floorboards are used as a prominent option. This is made through the processing of the tree’s stems. This is a wonderful material that delivers some strong benefits for the floor but at the same time, it can have various hazards. These hazards along with conditions that lead to them are discussed in the article. (This can be averted through different efforts related to the construction process. For this, contractors can contact the related experts such as some expert construction estimating company.)